Category Archives: Geopolitics

JERUSALEM by William Blake

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England’s green & pleasant Land

The Investigatory Powers Tribunal’s Existence is as Pointless as it is Invalid

I recently emailed the British Home Office asking for 10 million pounds in compensation for the traumatic criminality that I have been subjected to by the British Security Services. I narrowly escaped no fewer than 3 abduction attempts in early 2012, an assassination plot shortly after along with having my electronic communications intercepted and monitored as well as 2 years of stalking and harassment.

Quite surprisingly I received a reply from the Home Secretary, Theresa May, who urged me to complain to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal. I wrote back to her expressing my deep reservations about such a course of action, as I had already done this in 2012 and had my complaint dismissed with no right of appeal. Surprisingly again, I received a second email from the Home Office reassuring me that I should go ahead with the complaint. I was naive enough to follow their advice, thinking that perhaps it may be a fruitful venture. What a twat I am.

I received a reply from the IPT on the 24th Dec 2014 saying that they had “dismissed my complaint and claim” and that I had no right of appeal.

Having thought more about it I can’t help wondering what point the IPT has. We are not told who sits on the tribunal, we can not question the tribunal, we can not appeal to the tribunal…who the fuck are these people who sit on the tribunal anyway…and where is their legitimacy and accountability?

Steven Lloyd

The Original Human 12-tribes Race Names

The Original Human 12-tribes Race Names, edited from the Essene CDT-plate translation

21 November 2012 at 12:22

TRIBE-1: Isutu-Esheau (pronounced I sU’ too- E’ shoo)

Star Gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-1

Arizona USA Vortex-1 Native American, Cue Site-1Cyprus Island in Mediteranian Sea, Australia, Turkey, and Greece and Antartic SG-1 in Atlantian periods.


Maji Indigo Grail Line: Original blue and green-eyed Australian Aboriginee; often red haired.



TRIBE-2: Maahali-Bruea (pronounced: Ma a ha’ LE- BrU’ A)

Start gate signet codes, seed locations and races:  SG-2

Florida Seminol Native Amaericans SG-2 Sarasota Florida, and Breanoua black and brown skinned Haitian-Bimini island races.  Easter Island (Rapa Nui) Cue Site-2 Muavaharivi and Jeruselum Israel Vortex-2 Hebrew Races.


Maji Indigo Grail line:  Mu’A of Lemuria (Hawaii) , Easter Island and southwestern native American descendant tribes. Original Hebrew (Hibiru Cloister and Melchizedek cloister hybrid) races of Jeruselum and Jordan.



TRIBE-3:  Amekasan-Etur (pronounced: a ME’ ka sun – e too’r)

Star gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races:  SG-3

Nohassa Atlantis Bermuda Islands SG-3, Johannessburg South Africa, brown and white skinned races and Nepal vortex-3 Himalayas.


Maji Indigo Grail line:  white skinned Druedeks of Nohassa Atlantis.



TRIBE-4:  Nuagu Hali (pronounced: Noo ah’ goo- ha’ LE)

Star gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-4

Giza Egypt SG-4 and Sumerian UR, Aguascalientes Mexico Cue Site-4 and central America.


Maji Indigo Grail line:   Serres-Egyptians, original pre-Annunaki Maya-Toltec and Mexicali “indians”.



TRIBE 5:  Ionatu-Etillah  (pronounced: O’ Na too- et ‘il a)

Star gate DNA sigent codes, seed locations and races: SG-5

Machu Picchu Peru Incas SG-5,  origonal Ionian Italic (Italian) races.


Maji Indigo Grail line:  Mu’A-Incas of Machu Picchu Peru and light skinned, often fair or red-haired Celtic-Druedek Mu’A Ionians  (combined with Maji Grail line oh Nohassa Atlantis tribe-3 Maji Druedeks and Lohas Atlantis Tribe-11 Maji Celtics exiled to Ionia as Annunaki Leviathan raiding progressed.



TRIBE 6: Ramayana-Shridveta  (pronounced: Rah ma yah’ na-shrid vE’ Da)

Star gate DNA signet code, seed locations and races:  SG-6

Russia Caucasus mountains SG-6 and Scandinavian white skinned blond hair races,  brown skinned races of India Thar desert Cue site-6.


Maji Indigo Grail line: Rama-Vita races of India and original blue eyed blond Nordic races of Scandinavia and Russia.



TRIBE 7: Mahata-Agrah (pronounced: ME hah’ ta- a’g-ra)

Star Gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-7

Lake Titicaca Peru Incas and indigenous olive skinned people of Paxos Island Greece.


Maji Indigo Grail Line:  Original Mahata-Incas lake Titicaca Peru (fled from intruder raiders to Kauai Hawaii) and original olive skinned green eyed Ionians of paxos Island.



TRIBE 8: Chia Zhun Zan La-Yung (pronounced: ChE’ ah-Zoon – Yan LA-Yoong’)

Star gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-8

Xian China SG-8 original yellow skinned races,  and original brown skinned races of Taklamakan Desert Tibet.


Maji Indigo Grail line:  Original YU-Melchilzedek Tibetan light brown skinned, light eyed races of Lop Nor Taklamakan desert, Tibet region before Necromiton-Andromie Nephilim raiding and YU-Chenise lineage.



TRIBE 9: Yun Zu-Xen  (pronounced:  Yu-Un Zoo-Zen)

Star gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-9

North of Llasa Tibet SG-9, Brown skinned races and Westburt area southern England white skinned, dark hair races Cue site-9.


Maji Indigo Grail line: YU-Mu’A Chinese and dark haired dark eyed fair skinned original English Mu’A Melchizedek races.



TRIBE 10: Ma’ah-hu-la  (pronounced: Ma-a hoo’ ta)

Star gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-10

Sumerian UR, Persian Gulf Abadan Iran SG-10 area, and Al Basrah Irag Cue Site-10.   Many family lines fled to Sakkara Egypt and regions now called Afghanistan , and Uzbekistan during early Sumerian raids;  continue to live under persecution of Leviathan Illuminati races.


Maji Indigo Grail line: Light-brown skinned light-eyed, dark haired races and dark eyed Essene-Melchizedek races of Persia, now most in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Russia.



TRIBE 11:  Zephar-Duun-Atur (pronounced: Ze-far-doon-a-Tur)

Star gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-11

Southern Island Cue Site 11,  Vale of Pewsey area southern England SG-11,  Scotland lowlands, white skinned European races now in England, France and Russia, USA and Germany.  Raided by the Pleidian-Samjase-Luciferian-Annunaki Germanic “Sacheons”/Saxons.


Maji Indigo Grail line:  Celtek-Druedek hybrid Azurta-Arutus “Celtic Druids”,  white skinned,  frequently red haired.   The true ‘King Arthur’ grail line.



TRIBE 12: A-reah-Azurta (pronounced: a-RI’-a Zoor’-ta)

Star Gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-12

Monsegur Southern France SG-12 white-skinned and original MU’a Lemurian Kauai Hawaiian brown-skinned, dark eyed races, exiled to Easter Island and Machu Picchu Peru (builders).


Maji Indigo Grail line:  original Mu’A Kauai Hawaiian brown-skinned and KatharA-Cathari white skinned races of Southern France.


What this guy says is that we’re in the END GAME and so it’s time to release information that will stir up social unrest. After watching quite a few episodes of Jesse Ventura: Conspiracy Theory, I noticed that Jesse embraced the fear-porn about the Illuminati etc. but dismissed the existence of Reptilians and aliens. This is because the Elite want you to be scared and angry but don’t want you to know the truth, which is that ET’s (Anunnaki, Draconians, Zeta’s) are pulling their strings. The Groups ‘Anonymous’ and ‘Occupy’ along with people like Alex Jones and Russell Brand are all Illuminati creations. What are they doing? Stirring up fear and anger…and calling for REVOLUTION! The legislation is now all in place to lock you up without trial in detention centers if rioting and anarchy begins. My advice would be to perform the D12 Maharic Seal meditiation technique. D12 frequecy will put you out of the range of the Fallen Angelics and help to seal off the portals through which they gain access to the Earth’s reality field.

Everything In Society Serves the Elite.

According to the philosopher Alan Watt, every person, organisation, social activity and cultural movement of note, exists because the Illuminati Elite created it or control it for their own agendas. 

Here are some examples:

1. Free love and the Flower-Power revolution= to normalise promiscuity and to make long-term relationships unappealing and unworkable in line with the plan to destroy the family. This is necessary so that most people will be isolated come the planned martial law takeover.
2. Women’s Lib= to make women feel free to work and earn money to satisfy the then demand for increased labour requirements in the workplace.
3. Keeping certain drugs illegal= to keep the prices high so as to make the govt. more money out of the sale of street drugs, also out of those who are fined for their posession and out of those who are jailed for dealing.
4. Gangsts Rap= to glamorise guns and violence so as to criminalise mainly males of African origin and to make money out of their incarceration in private prisons.
5. Television= the flicker rate of TV induces an alpha wave hypnotic state in the viewer making general conversation and healthy debate obselete and virtually unachievable. TV programmes, both drama and factual, are used for mass thought control.
6. Celebrity= creating idols to act as role models for impressionable minds.
7. Mass immigration= to demoralise indiginous populations, to destabilise society and to dilute any sense of national identity.
8. Fast food and GMO’s= to have the masses become malnourished and obese. Unhealthy people tend to be unhappy and so make more money for the Elite via increased alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes and taking street drugs, along with pharmaceuticals for their many ailments. They also die younger.
9. Russell Brand= this celebrity has mass appeal and is busy making the notion of revolution popular and trendy. Despite being highly intelligent I have not heard him mention the name Rothschild once in any interview. This despite even a small amount of research into who controls the worlds money supply revealing this name as being a key player. He does allegedly associate with the said family however.
10. Sport= to sublimate aggressive urges and to act as a distraction from real issues and concerns.
11. The New Age Movement= to disseminate deceitful information via channelled messages from the likes of the Anunnaki groups ‘The Galactic Federation of Light’ and Archangel Michael and to harm people’s bio-energetics by having them practice techniques based on the fibbonnaci spiral, finite life Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life.
12. The Truth Movement= to disseminate a large amount of false and often contradictory information, making it very hard for people to discern fact and truth and to conduct psyops on that community. It is also a means of collecting information on individuals who can think independently.